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7 Habits of Happy Stay at Home Moms

While being a stay at home mom is the greatest blessing, it can also be overwhelming and lonely. I am a firm believer that our motherhood experience should be just as magical as our children’s childhood experiences. Here are 7 things that have completely changed my perspective on days that feel like they will never end. These don’t need to be done in order, but doing them daily has helped change my perspective on motherhood and I guarantee they will help you see more clearly as well!

Let me know how you feel after you try these 7 things!

  • Spend time with your kids!

I know, this one seems obvious. Stay-at-home moms spend 24/7 with their children, but how intentional is that time? It sometimes takes effort to stop what I’m doing to actually play with my kids in whatever way they want me to. I have Irish Twins and felt like I was drowning the first few months of having two babies. I had to remind myself often to play with my older daughter to make sure she was getting the attention and affection she needed. Spending intentional time with your kids will put life back into perspective and will help you remember why you wanted to be a mom in the first place! Set a timer if you need to at first and you’ll eventually crave that time with your children!

  • Go on a walk!

Fresh air is so healing! I looked forward to my morning walk more than anything when I was freshly postpartum. We are just entering winter where we live which makes going on walks with little kids a bit more difficult. Toddlers are not interested in wearing gloves and, let’s be honest, I don’t want to be outside in freezing temperatures either. If your kids make it difficult to go on a walk then try going alone if you have the option. The difference in your mental health will be very noticeable if you can find even 10 minutes to move your body! Bonus if you have a friend who can join!

  • Shower!

The amount of days I’ve skipped showering as a mom is astounding. My husband is home from work in the mornings just long enough to walk the dog while I make the girls breakfast which means I have to shower while I’m home alone with two toddlers. I’ve noticed the days I don’t shower or change my clothes are the days I am more on edge and have a shorter temper. Try jumping in the shower if you notice you’re having a bad day for no reason – I bet it will help!

  • Make mom friends! And hang out with them!

Making new friends as a mom feels nearly impossible. I’m lucky to live in a neighborhood with a lot of kids and stay at home moms but I know this is often not the case. Do you have a library in your town? Take your kids to the library and start a conversation with a mom who has kids similar in age to yours – I bet she’s lonely, too. Check Facebook to see if there’s a group for moms in your area. Be the person who makes plans and invites others to come along! I have made many friends just by inviting them to do something as simple as going on a walk. Making the first move can be scary but I guarantee you’ll find your people if you’re willing to put yourself out there.

  • Find a hobby!

There have been many days where I turn the TV on for my girls and I lay on the couch and scroll on my phone. How crazy would it be if I spent that same amount of time on something that made me feel excited?? The days I spend time on my hobbies are 100% better than the days I sit on the couch and stare at social media. I never feel sad for myself when I’m making a bracelet for my daughters, but I can’t say that I’ve never felt sad when I see my high school friend’s sister is at Disneyland.

Here are some hobbies that I really enjoy:



Jewelry making



I have noticed that the hobbies that bring the most joy are the ones that have a tangible reward at the end. For example: I love sewing little stuffed animals and watching my kids spend time playing with them.

  • Chore chart

I am not, I repeat, I am NOT a clean girlie by nature. Germs don’t bother me and neither does a bit of clutter. I am, however, learning that my mental health is substantially better when my home is clean. I created a “chore chart” for myself a few months ago and made it easy enough to stick to for the most part. Having daily tasks to complete is an easy way to stay on top of your house work and it’s also something that you can do with your kids! I do one load of laundry per week day and clean a specific area. There are so many cleaning charts on Pinterest that will help inspire you to start a checklist and keep your home more tidy!

  • Leave the house!

Leaving the house is not an easy task, especially with young kids. I remember being nap-trapped and having no time between naps to go anywhere. That season only lasted a few months and now we are able to go out and about almost daily. We don’t go far and we mostly do things that are free, but leaving the house is so good for both me and my kids. Here are some things we like to do:

Go to the park or neighborhood pool

Ride bikes

Grocery shop (I don’t love taking my kids but sometimes it’s a nice reason to leave the house)

Singing time at the library

Visit dad at work

Lunch with friends

Whether you’re a new mom or not, It’s always nice to feel fulfilled in motherhood. Try these 7 tips and let us know how you feel!

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